Unlikely Soulmates: Victoria Clark and Justin Cooley share a deep bond behind their performances on Kimberly Akimbo
Logan Culwell-Block
"Cooley and Clark worked with intimacy coach Dave Anzuelo on the show [...] "The way he talked to us was so delicate and beautiful. It was very serious, the moment," remembers Clark. According to Cooley, "He didn't treat it like acting. He treated it like a spiritual moment, a shifting point for us as people and for our characters." "
-Click Here for the full article (Playbill)

'Soft' Review: Young Black Men, Gently Pointed Toward Liberation
Juan A. Ramírez
"Isaiah tries to have his students verbalize their discontent, resulting in [...] physical fights incredibly choreographed by UnkleDave’s Fight-House."
-Click Here for the full review (New York Times)

Finding a Place to Blossom in a Hard World in Soft
Pete Hempstead
"[...] The students and Mr. Isaiah often come to blows in some extraordinarily well-choreographed fight scenes (fight direction by UnkleDave's Fight-House)."
-Click Here for the full review (TheatreMania)

Edward Albee's At Home At the Zoo is Smart Theatre
Suzanna Bowling
"UnkleDave's Fight-House work shines in the brutal realism played out by Leonard and Sparks."
-Click Here for the full review (Times Square Chronicles)

New Superhero Story "El Coqui" is an Epic Winner
Patrick Maley
"...romantic tension, deceptively complex characters, and some great fight scenes (fight direction by UnkleDave's Fight-House)."
-Click Here for the full review (The Star-Ledger)

Review: 'Nick and Zoe' at NY Fridge Fest
Bill Crouch
"...special kudos to David Anzuelo for his excellent fight choreography."
-Click Here for the full review (StageBuddy)

Stu on Broadway: Review of 'Oklahoma!'
Stuart Brown
"A special nod to UnkleDave's Fight-House for their staging of the realistic fight sequences."
-Click Here for the full review (StuOnBroadway)

Alligator: A Bold and Fresh New Play
Billy McEntee
"...Emerald's climactic and inevitable encounter with the beast is a stunning, messy battle of a girl learning to face herself."
-Click Here for the full review (Theatre is Easy)

Dorset's "Sherlock" Needs No Sleuthing
Telly Halkias
"...A shout-out must go to Unkle Dave's Fight-House for the phantasmagoric hand-to-hand combat sequences, which added much to the play's physical comedy."
-Click Here for the full review (Manchester Journal)

Dorset Lampoons the Stage in "I Hate Hamlet"
Telly Halkias
"Once again this season, Unkle Dave's Fight-House excelled at funny fencing."
-Click Here for the full review (Manchester Journal)

Theater Review: The Believable Gut-Punch of DISGRACED
Jesse Green
"The most notable achievement, though, may be that of UnkleDave’s Fight-House, which staged the climactic violence. I’m not sure I’ve ever witnessed in the theater a scene as viscerally realistic. [...] Its punches are shockingly believable."
-Click Here for the full review (Vulture)

Love, Rein O'er Me: Michael Niederman interviews Daniel Talbott on his new play, GRAY
"A brutal and gut wrenching play, Gray by Daniel Talbott [...has] tense and extremely visceral fight choreography by David Anzuelo..."
-Click Here for the full article (New York Theatre Review)

Body Blows: David Anzuelo and the Creation of Violence
Sarah Shaefer
I feel in such good hands with Dave’s perspectives on the fight and sex choreography in my plays that I can go deeper into the physical action that will support what I am trying to say with a play. [...] Working with him from the beginning of a project is giving me the freedom to fully express this story.
-Click Here for the full article (The Brooklyn Rail)

Let’s Talk About It: An Exploration of Sex and the New American Theater: An Interview featuring Dave Anzuelo
As a sex-choreographer, I must be extremely clear. Casting brave actors who are comfortable with their bodies helps immensely. I try to inspire an atmosphere of trust and safety, first and foremost. Once the story of the scene is relayed to the actors, we can start to choreograph. I always let them work fully clothed at first, then encourage them to start to try it with less and less clothing. I always suggest the actors try full nudity (if it’s called for) well before tech. The first time we have the actors work nude, I always ask that everyone but the director, stage manager, and playwright clear the room. We keep the room as comfortable as possible temperature-wise and keep the door locked, so there won't be any accidental intrusions. I work slowly and with great politeness. I keep asking if everyone is doing okay. I always let the actors take a break or stop if needed. I give lots of positive encouragement and thanks when the actors make progress. The delicacy of the work is especially necessary if the scene depicts acts of sexual violence. That requires even greater care and safety than does more loving depictions of sex.
- Click Here for the full article

NY Theatre.com Review- Post No Bills
By Mando Alvarado at Rattlestick Playwrights Theater
"David Anzuelo's contributions as fight director include subtle and effective sleight-of-hand trickery that positively impress."
David Ian Lee

New York Times Review- Macbeth1969
By William Shakespeare at Long Wharf Theater
"David Anzuelo’s fight direction is also impressive..."
Anita Gates

Backstage Review- Killers and Other Family
By Lucy Thurber at Rattlestick Playwrights Theater
"Things take a particularly nasty turn once Lizzie's sweet, suburban-raised girlfriend Claire (Cash) arrives home. For this, some credit must go to the harrowing physical work of director Caitriona McLaughlin and fight director David Anzuelo."
Adam R. Perlman

Theater is Easy Review- The Muscles in our Toes
By Stephen Belber at Labyrinth Theater
"David Anzuelo’s fight choreography, too, is effectively tense and believable and brings a jolt to the production that is similar in voltage to Maher’s first entrance."
Andy Buck

Vulture Review- The Hilltown Plays
By Lucy Thurber at Theater Village
"Stage violence. Stage sex. Power plays. Playing drunk. Violent stage sex. Smokin’. "
Scott Brown

OffOffOnline Review- The Dumb Waiter
By Harold Pinter at Ward 10
"David Anzuelo’s contributions as fight director are invaluable. "
Doug Strassler